British Distillers Alliance

Alan Powell BA, CTA, FIIT
​​​​Alan Powell is a former HMRC (HMCE) Policy official who liberalized much of excise law/policy when in the Department, including correct reasonable application by HMCE of its policy on “under-sized” stills for the licensing of distillers and innovated the “trade facility” excise warehouse concept. Since leaving the Department in 1997, he has been a consultant with “Big 4” accountancy firms and latterly an independent consultant to the trade.
Alan regularly advises clients on legal and technical matters and advocates cases at the Tax Tribunal. He is honorary advisor to the United Kingdom Warehousing Association (UKWA) and a Chartered Tax Advisor and Fellow of the Institute of Indirect Taxation, in which capacity he sits as the excise duties expert on the Indirect Taxes Committee of the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT).