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Code of Conduct


The Code of Conduct sets out the areas where BDA members are expected to be compliant.  In order to have credibility as an organisation it is important for the BDA that its members commit to complying with their obligations.  The BDA will assist members to identify and comply with relevant aspects of the code, such as training (including continuous development) and alcohol fraud awareness.​


Membership of the BDA is subject to the following:


  • Compliance with HMRC’s requirements for being a “fit and proper” person to be involved in an excise business.  This test is set out as HMRC policy in a number of its public notices, including paragraph 3.2 of Notice 196;

  • Compliance with all statutory obligations for the correct operation of an excise trade, including accurate record-keeping, duty and VAT accounting and duty and VAT payment;

  • Commitment to effective training of staff and continuous training and awareness of HMRC requirements;

  • Commitment to alcohol fraud awareness;

  • Commitment to appropriate and effective health and safety measures;

  • Compliance with EC Regulation 110/2008 (retained EU Law) concerning definition, description etc of spirits drinks.

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